Friday, May 22, 2020

How To Automatically Translate Any Android App Into Any Language

There is the number of applications which are not having the features of translating apps to your favorite languages. This makes it difficult for the users to translate apps into their native language. Today, I am going to tell you about an application which will help you to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language.
Nowadays there are around hundreds of application on play store which is having the feature of translate but some applications don't have this features. This is just because they don't have proper developers or sometimes translators.
There is an application launched by Akhil Kedia from XDA Developer which made it possible for all the users to translate the application to any language you need. This is something which everyone needs it.
Akhil Kedia built an Xposed module in which users can easily change the language of any application to whichever they like or love. Personally, we all love English language but there are peoples in many parts of the world they are suitable for other languages.
Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

The best part about this Xposed Module is that it translates the application to any language whichever you like and there are around many languages which you can try it. The other best part about this application is that the user interface which is amazing.
In an Android application, the best thing is the user interface. This is something which helps users to download the module or application to run again and again. There are about many settings which can be changed from the application.
The setup process is a bit different from other applications but if you will look at the application you will definitely love it. Just because of too many settings and features available in the application and you can turn it to any language without any crashing issues of the application.


  • Rooted Android Phone
  • Xposed Framework installed on your phone.
  • Android 5.0 or higher.
  • Unknown Source enabled (You might be knowing it)
How to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
  • Download the module called as All Trans from here: Download
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Now, after installation, it will ask you to reboot your phone to activate the module
  • Now, you need to get the API Key to get it you need to sign up with Yandex first so sign up: Yandex Sign up
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Then after sign up you will get the API key just enter the API key in the All-Trans application.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Open All Trans Application and the swipe right to Global Settings.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Click on Enter Yandex Subscription key and then enter your key.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • In Global Settings click on Translate from and select the Language the application is already in. (Eg: English)
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Now, click on translate to and select your favorite language. This will change the language.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Swipe left and select the applications which you need to translate and done.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • After selecting just open the application and the language is translated automatically.
Automatically Translate Any Android App

Final Words:

This is the best and easy way to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language. I hope you love this article.Share this article with your friends and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next one.
Stay Updated Tune IemHacker

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Removing Windows 8/8.1 Password With CHNTPW

[Update] If you want to recover Windows 8/8.1 passwords instead of removing them see this tutorial

So we are back. About a Year ago I wrote a post on how to remove Windows Password using CHNTPW but many readers complained that it was not working on Windows 8. I tried myself on many it worked but once I also got stuck. So I did a little work around. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to remove Windows 8/8.1 passwords using CHNTPW. Well it's little bit tedious than the older one but believe me it's fun too.


Let's get started with a little bit background. Windows OSs have a User known as Administrator which is hidden by default. This user is there for security reasons (maybe it's the way around). Most of the users who use Windows are lame, sorry to say that but I'm not talking about you, they don't even know that such an invisible account exists so it is almost everytime without a password. But this Administrator user is a SU (Super User), that means you work wonders once you get access to this account. So our first task will be to make it visible and then we'll access it and using it's power privilages we'll remove password of other accounts (which is not really neccessary cuz you can access any user folder or file using Administrator Account).


1. Physical Access to the Victems computer.
2. A Live Bootable Kali/Backtrack Linux Pendrive or DVD.
    (You can downoad Kali Linux here)


1. Plug in the Live Bootable Pendrive/DVD into to victim's computer and then boot from it.

2. After accessing kali linux (I'm using Kali Linux) from victim's computer open a terminal.

3. Now we have to mount the drive on which the victim's OS is loaded. In my case it is sda2. So in order to mount that drive I'll type the command:
mount /dev/sda2 /media/temp

this means that I'm mounting the drive in folder /media/temp if you haven't created a temp folder in /media then you must create one by typing these command:
cd /
mkdir /media/temp

4. After mounting the OS we need to access the SAM file and make visible Administrator account using chntpw. It's so simple lemme show you how.
first we'll navigate to /media/temp/Windows/System32/config:
cd /media/temp/Windows/System32/config

now we display the list of users on our victim's computer:
chntpw SAM -l

You'll see an Administrator User there which is disabled. Now we'll enable that:
chntpw SAM -u Administrator

now type 4 and hit return

press 'y' to save changes to SAM file.

OK voila! the hard part is done.

5. Now restart your Computer and take out your Pendrive/DVD from your computer and boot into windows 8 OS. You should be able to see Administrator User on Logon screen now. If not then look for a backward pointing Arrow besides the user Login Picture. Click on that Arrow and you should see an Administrator User. Click on the Administrator Account and wait for a while until windows 8 sets it up.

6. After a while you get Access to the computer and you can access anything. Enjoy :)

7. What you want to remove the password? I don't think it's a stealth mode idea, is it? OK I'll tell you how to do that but It's not a good hacker way of doing.
Open up the command prompt, simple way to do it is:

Press Ctrl + 'x' and then Press 'a' and if prompted click yes.
After that Enter following commands:

net user
(This command will display all users on computer)

net user "User Name" newPassword 
(This Command will change the Password of User Name user to newPassword).
OK you're done now logout and enter the new password. It will work for sure.

8. If you want to disable the Administrator Account again then type in command prompt:
net user Administrator /active:no

I tried it on Windows 8/8.1 all versions and it works. Guess what it works on all windows OSs.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Don't forget to share it and yes always read the Disclaimer.
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Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados (PIEC) "For Hire"

Si ayer os hablaba de una web que ofrecía servicios de espiar WhatsApp, cambiar notas de la universidad, hackear Facebook en un minuto, y demás servicios profesionales de hacking, hoy os traigo otra empresa de Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados a los que podemos llamar (PIEC) que también están al servicio del mejor postor. Lo curioso es que, a pesar de tener otro aspecto y otros contenidos, el correo electrónico de contacto es exactamente el mismo correo de Gmail.

Figura 1: Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados (PIEC) "for Hire"

La web es un calco a la que vimos ayer, con similitudes en el mensaje de Hackers for Hire en España que son muy profesionales. Se hace hincapié en el mensaje de "Profesionales" porque seguro que has oido de mucha gente que ha sido estafada utilizando estos servicios "No vayas a pensar que aquí te van a estafar", que la respuesta es que: Más que probablemente sí.

Figura 2: Hackers Éticos e Investigadores Privados a su servicio

Los servicios que se ofrecen son los que supones. Espiar WhatsApp, hackear Instagram, hackear Facebook, cambiar notas de universidades, quitar multas, etcétera. 

Figura 3: Por qué somos los mejores

Más o menos con el tipo de mensajes que me suelen llegar a mí demandando este tipo de servicios. Como en la web de ayer, también tenemos testimonios de clientes satisfechos con el servicio. No vayas a pensar que pagas por un mal servicio. Son Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados.

View this post on Instagram

De ayer mismo.... que pesados }:S

A post shared by Chema Alonso (@chemaalonso) on

Entre los testimonios de clientes satisfechos está el de Carlos Pastrana contándole a todo el mundo que su mujer le engañaba y le era infiel, pero que gracias a este servicio de hackers profesionales - no sé si discretos - ya lo ha descubierto él y todo Internet. Y también Willians Miria que necesitaba unos hackers para piratear una web y que aquí le atendieron de maravilla.

Figura 5: Nuestros clientes

Por supuesto, con utilizar un poco el Hacking con Buscadores y tirar de Google Images vemos que la foto de Carlos Pastrana es de un modelo nórdico utilizado en múltiples sitios de la red, que dudo mucho que sea uno de los clientes de Hacking en España. 

Figura 6: Hacking con Buscadores -
 Google, Bing, Shodan & Robtex - 3ª Edición

Me llama la atención que no se han molestado mucho en buscar o utilizar fotos de "This Person Does Not Exist" que dificultaría un poco más la búsqueda, pero está claro que esta web no está pensada para aguantar un análisis profundo, sino un que va dirigida a un público no tecnológico que está deseoso de estos servicios.

Figura 7: La foto de "Carlos Pastrana" es de un modelo

Y el caso de Willians Miria es más peculiar, ya que es un emprendedor del mundo tecnológico que tiene hasta una empresa, y que es igualmente fácil de localizar con hacer una búsqueda por imágenes en Google

Figura 8: La foo de Willians es robada de un perfil

Por último, hay que remarcar la zona de contactos. Mientras que en la cabecera tenemos el correo admin del dominio como forma de contacto, y un horario de servicios muy hacker de 6 A.M. a 11 P.M., como podemos ver en la Figura 2, en la zona de contactos vemos el mismo correo electrónico Gmail que había en la web de ayer, un  número de teléfono con un prefijo que seguro que no es de Madrid, ni de Barcelona, y un FAX afortunado, que le ha tocado el 1234567 del mismo prefijo de esa ciudad 977.

Figura 9: Contacto de eta web

Por supuesto, todos lo iconos de Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, etcétera que aparecen la web no funcionan y no apuntan a ningún sitio. Es decir, la misma estafa de ayer para recoger dinero de todos esos que van por la vereda de Internet pidiendo a gritos meterse en líos. Ten cuidado con tu vida digital, como os he dicho muchas veces.

Saludos Malignos!

Autor: Chema Alonso (Contactar con Chema Alonso)

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Leo's Noob

I would like to send a salve to my friend noob at Rivendel in Brazilian company hahaha

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Android SSHControl V1.0 Relased!!!

Hoy sabado 15, he subido al Market de Android la versión 1.0 de SSHControl, con nuevas funcionalades y la esperada opción "Custom Commands".

Esta aplicación permite controlar tus servidores linux, bsd y unix con solo un dedo, mediante esta app Android.
Y soluciona las siguientes problemáticas:
- Manejar una shell desde el pequeño teclado de un móvil es engorroso.
- Leer todos los resultados de un comando en la pantalla del móvil, nos dejamos la vista.

Esta app permite interactuar con servidores remotos simplemente haciendo pulsaciones en la pantalla, mediante un explorador de ficheros, de conexiones, etc..

Las funcionalidades nuevas de esta versión 1.0 son:

- Administración del Firewall Iptables.
- Opción de Custom Commands, tal como había prometido.

Las funcionalidades ya presentes en la v0.8 son:

- escalada a root mediante su y sudo
- gestor de procesos
- explorador de ficheros, editor de ficheros, editor de permisos.
- monitorización y baneo de conexiones
- Visualizadores de logs
- administrador de drivers
- estadisticas de disco

Para la versión 2.0 preveo:

- Escuchar música remota
- Descarga de ficheros (wget)
- Transferencia segura de ficheros entre servidores (scp)
- Gestures, para administrar los sitemas en plan minority report :)

App disponible en el market para 861 tipos de dispositivos y pronto disponible en tablets.

Cualquier sugerencia de mejora: sha0 [4t] badchecksum [d0t] net

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October 2019 Connector

October 2019


Letter from the Vice Chairman of the Board

Dear OWASP Community,  

Two of the primary initiatives the foundation staff has been working on over the past few months were the two back to back Global AppSec Events in DC and Amsterdam.  This was a huge undertaking by everyone involved.  We are pleased to announce that the survey feed back is positive and both events were well attended.  I was in attendance of Global AppSec Amsterdam and it was great meeting and speaking with old friends and meeting new ones.  I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the board to thank OWASP staff for their efforts in making the two conferences so successful. 

To continuing on with the events theme; I'm really happy to announce the locations of our 2020 OWASP Global AppSec Conferences.  The first one will be June 15 - 19, 2020 in Dublin and the second will be October 19 - 23, 2020 in San Francisco.  Dublin is not an exotic trip for me, more of a 10 minute tram ride.  Hopefully you will join us, while also making the most of the culture and scenery that Ireland has to offer.   

Last but not least, the OWASP Global Board of Directors election results where released Thursday October 17, 2019. I'd like to first thank everyone who has put their trust in me by voting me back onto the board for the next two years. I hope I do you justice.

I would also like to thank the large number of candidates that were willing to give of their personal time and run to be part of the Global OWASP Board.  This is a testament of the dedication and commitment of our members to continue to grow and evolve to the next level as an organization.  I encourage those that were not elected will still be involved in making a positive change by volunteering to be part of a committee.  The board and staff need all the help they can get to push through change. I hope you will join us in this journey.  We can not be successful without the help of the community. 

Until next time, 
Owen Pendlebury 
Vice Chairman, OWASP Global Board of Directors 
OWASP Global Board Election Results 
The newly elected 2020 OWASP Board Members:
Grant Ongers
Owen Pendlebury
Sherif Mansour
Vandana Verma Sengal
Congratulations, and thank you to all the candidates that participated and the OWASP members that voted. 
OWASP Foundation Global AppSec Event Dates for 2020

Global AppSec Dublin, June 15 - 19, 2020

Global AppSec San Francisco, October 19 - 23, 2020

Visit our website for future announcements.


You may also be interested in one of our other affiliated events:

Event DateLocation
BASC 2019 (Boston Application Security Conference) October 19,2019 Burlington, MA
LASCON X October 24 - 25, 2019 Austin, TX
OWASP AppSec Day 2019 Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019 Melbourne, Australia
German OWASP Day 2019 December 9 - 10, 2019 Karlsruhe, Germany
AppSec California 2020 January 21 - 24, 2020 Santa Monica, CA
OWASP New Zealand Day 2020 February 20 - 21, 2020 Auckland, New Zealand
Seasides 2020 March 3 - 5, 2020 Panjim Goa, India
SnowFROC 2020 March 5, 2020 Denver, CO

Event Date Location
BlackHat Europe 2019 December 2 - 5, 2019 London

BlackHat Europe 2019 London at EXCEL London
2019 December 2-5 
Visit the OWASP Booth 1015
Business Hall December 4 & 5 
December 4, 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
December 5: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

OWASP Members are eligible for € 200.00 discount , email for code to use when registering.


Projects were well-represented at the previous two Global AppSec conferences in DC and Amsterdam this past month.  Both events featured the popular Project Showcase and I heartily thank the leaders of the projects who participated:

Secure Medical Device Deployment Standard
Secure Coding Dojo
API Security Project
Dependency Check
Juice Shop
ModSecuity Core Rule Set

These leaders put on a great set of presentations and, in many cases, the room was standing room only.  Thank you!

The project reviews that were done in DC and Amsterdam are still being evaluated and worked on; if you are waiting on answers, please have patience.  I hope to have them finalized by November.

The website migration continues moving forward.  The process of adding users to the proper repositories is an on-going effort.  If you have not given your GitHub username, please drop by the Request for Leader Github Usernames form.  A nice-to-accomplish goal would be to have the projects and chapters in their new website homes within the next 30 days.

Harold L. Blankenship
Director of Technology and Projects


Welcome to the New OWASP Chapters 
Sacramento, California
Marquette, Michigan
Ranchi, India
Paraiba, Brazil
Calgary, Canada 


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Contributor Corporate Members

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