Thursday, August 9, 2012

We are looking Document Scanning and Indexing Services USA (New Jersey)

RFP ID: DE-0696
Government Authority located in New Jersey; USA looking for expert vendor for Document Scanning and Indexing Services.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide Document Scanning and Indexing Services for Government Authority.
(2) Vendor should pick-up paper documents 1-2 times per week and securely delivers paper documents to vendor's location.
(3) Vendor should scan document and creates the index file.
(4) Contract period shall be for five (5) years and it may extend for two (2) additional one year periods.
[C] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
[D] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Only)

More Info :


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  150. HP printer is a machine which accepts graphic and text output from a computer system and easily transfers information that you want to print to the paper, usually, the standard size sheet of papers such as A4. However, there are an array of printers available with a different name, cost, and features around the world.To get any of the printer Security Solution to the device, the users need to follow the three interrelated procedures that includes download, install, and activate printer.

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  154. Dell printer is a machine which accepts graphic and text output from a computer system and easily transfers information that you want to print to the paper, usually, the standard size sheet of papers such as A4. However, there are an array of printers available with a different name, cost, and features around the world.To get any of the printer Security Solution to the device, the users need to follow the three interrelated procedures that includes download, install, and activate printer.

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  158. HP printer is a machine which accepts graphic and text output from a computer system and easily transfers information that you want to print to the paper, usually, the standard size sheet of papers such as A4. However, there are an array of printers available with a different name, cost, and features around the world.To get any of the printer Security Solution to the device, the users need to follow the three interrelated procedures that includes download, install, and activate printer.

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  160. Brother is a Japan-based company that delivers world-class products everywhere. The brand has made its way to the Indian market and has made several customers here. Brother offers many printers with unbelievable functions. The team will assist you 24/7.

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  162. Dell printer is a machine which accepts graphic and text output from a computer system and easily transfers information that you want to print to the paper, usually, the standard size sheet of papers such as A4. However, there are an array of printers available with a different name, cost, and features around the world.To get any of the printer Security Solution to the device, the users need to follow the three interrelated procedures that includes download, install, and activate printer.

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  167. Lexmark is an American company that manufactures laser printers and imaging products. A Lexmark printer is known for its sharp graphics and clear lettering for broachers, spreadsheets, reports and other documents. Sometimes, users face technical glitches while using Lexmark printer. You can reach our Lexmark printer support team for any assistance.

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