Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to Successfully Find and Utilize a Transcription Service

You can get your transcription done offshore and save some money, but if you want an absolutely accurate transcript it is probably best to stay with a native English speaking service who does not outsource offshore. Some services charge more for rush service. Others may offer rush service to their regular clients at no extra fee. Keep in mind that cheaper is not always the best deal if you don't get a quality transcript. This is really the best way to find a service as you have a recommendation from somebody you know and trust.

You could be in one city or state and your service could be in another. Google is a good way to find a professional service. The results on the first page or so are going to be the busiest services, so it might pay off to dig down a few pages. There are times when a company may want a meeting, presentation or conference call transcribed. And, of course, many businesses such as insurance and claims adjusters conduct regular interviews that need to be transcribed.


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